The Prince Henry at Little Bay Community Association (PHCA) Association Committee (AC) comprises up to nine volunteer members who are elected at the PHCA Annual General Meeting (AGM). This combination of nominated representatives from Prince Henry’s various strata schemes, neighbourhood associations, and individual lot owners ensures By-laws are observed and any broader ‘whole of project’ initiatives and decisions represent the best interests of all Prince Henry Lot owners and residents.
Although the PHCA is not a strata scheme, it operates in a similar way to an owners corporation or strata scheme for an apartment block.
The AC determines who will be the office-bearers: Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
Each strata scheme and neighbourhood association may nominate a person to become a member of the AC from its executive committee, or alternatively an owner within that scheme or association. Individual owners may self nominate to become a member of the AC.
The AC meets regularly to discuss and make decisions on those issues affecting the Prince Henry community that are within its area of responsibilities. These responsibilities are summarised in Newsletter No. 1 and are also covered in the Frequently asked questions section of this website.
To ensure compliance with the Community Land Management Act 2021, managing agent, the PHCA Managing Agent, assists with administration and attends most AC meetings.
To get in touch with all or any one of the PHCA Association Committee members, you should contact the PHCA Managing Agent.
In accordance with Part 3, Division 4 of the Community Land Management Act 2021 (NSW), the responsibilities of each of the three office bearers are detailed below:
The functions of the chairperson of an association include the following:
(a) to preside at meetings of the association and the association committee
(b) to make determinations as to quorums and procedural matters at meetings of the association and the association committee.
The functions of a secretary of an association include the following:
(a) to prepare and distribute minutes of meetings of the association and submit a motion for confirmation of the minutes of a meeting of the association at the next meeting
(b) to give on behalf of the association and the association committee of the association notices required to be given under this Act
(c) to maintain the association roll
(d) to enable the inspection of documents on behalf of the association in accordance with this Act
(e) to answer communications addressed to the association
(f) to convene meetings of the association committee and (apart from its first annual general meeting) of the association
(g) to attend to matters of an administrative or secretarial nature in connection with the exercise of functions by the association or the association committee
(h) any other functions conferred on the secretary under any other Act or law.
With the PHCA, where a managing agent has been appointed, the secretary’s functions are delegated by the AC to the managing agent. The PHCA appointed secretary will direct the managing agent as required.
The functions of a treasurer of an association include the following:
(a) to notify members of contributions levied in accordance with this Act
(b) to receive, acknowledge, bank and account for money paid to the association
(c) to prepare association information certificates
(d) to keep the accounting records and prepare the financial statements.
The treasurer of an association may delegate the exercise of any of the treasurer’s functions (other than this power of delegation) to another member of the association committee of the association if:
(a) the delegation is specifically approved by the committee, and
(b) the committee specifically approves of the function being delegated to that member, and
(c) the delegation is subject to the limitations as to time or otherwise that the committee requires.
While a delegate is acting in accordance with the terms of a delegation, the delegate is taken to be the treasurer of the association.
The association committee of an association may, by a written notice given to the treasurer of the association, order the treasurer not to exercise any of the treasurer’s functions that are specified in the notice unless the treasurer does so jointly with another person so specified.
With the PHCA, where a managing agent has been appointed, the treasurer’s functions are delegated by the AC to the managing agent. The PHCA appointed treasurer will direct the managing agent as required.
So that each AC member’s valuable time is used effectively, all AC members are asked to follow certain ground rules and a code of conduct.
It’s important that anyone considering becoming a member of the Association Committee attends at least 85 per cent of all meetings, is prepared to participate in a fair share of the project work required, and understands the need for a formal code of conduct.
The Prince Henry Community Association Ground Rules and Code of Conduct has been created to provide an equitable framework for the AC to work within.
Please take the time to read the Ground Rules and Code of Conduct before considering nominating for a position on the AC.
All lot owners or their nominees are entitled to attend Association Committee meetings but can address the meeting only if invited to do so by the AC.
On occasion, individuals have been disappointed when attending AC meetings because they were not permitted to air their concerns. Some of these concerns were issues that should be resolved at strata scheme or neighbourhood association level, or in the case of individual lot owners, direct with another party (Council, builder, developer, etc). Go to Frequently asked questions for details on how to get your issue onto an AC meeting agenda.
Note: to obtain a copy of previous meeting agendas, please contact your Strata Scheme or Neighbourhood Association Managing Agent. Alternatively you may contact the PHCA Managing Agent.
Note: to obtain a copy of previous meeting minutes, please contact your Strata Scheme or Neighbourhood Association Managing Agent. Alternatively you may contact the PHCA Managing Agent.
The PHCA must convene an Annual General Meeting each year. Any person entitled to vote at a general meeting may ask for a motion to be included in the agenda for a general meeting. A notice of meeting including minutes of the previous AGM is issued to all lot owners before the meeting.
All lot owners are encouraged to attend the AGM but may only speak if invited to do so by the Association Committee.
Contact your strata scheme or neighbourhood association managing agent to confirm the date of the next AGM. If you’re not a member of a strata scheme or neighbourhood association, you should email the PHCA managing agent direct.
Note: to obtain a copy of previous meeting agendas and minutes, please contact your Strata Scheme or Neighbourhood Association Managing Agent. Alternatively you may contact the PHCA Managing Agent.
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